我有一个基于backbone.js 路由器的应用程序,它使用默认的hashchange 处理程序在页面之间移动。在一个页面上有一个触发模式框的按钮,如果用户按下回,我想关闭它,而不是向用户发送历史页面。

我尝试了几种不同的方法,但是对于使用 hashchange / popstate 还是很陌生,所以希望得到指导。

  • 添加一个额外的 hashchange 监听器并试图阻止传播不起作用;两个听众都被处决了。

  • 在打开对话框时添加对 router.navigate("modal") 的调用会向历史堆栈添加一个附加条目,这意味着返回可以正常工作,但它会导致原始页面再次路由/重新渲染,而不仅仅是关闭模态的。



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// In some scope accessible to the router
var currentView, modalView; // or app.currentView, etc.

// extend your router's `navigate` to always close the modal
navigate: function (fragment, options) {
  modalView && modalView.close(); // or however you close your modal
  Backbone.history.navigate(fragment, options);
  return this;

// in your modal route(s)
// Disclaimer here: if your modal windows are part of the history,
// their routes should probably also indicate what should be
// rendered *under* the modal, e.g. `/someroute/modal`, etc.
// Otherwise, what happens if a browser steps "back" into a modal
// route via history, or a direct link?  You probably want something
// to render under the modal.
modal: function () {
  modalView = new ModalView(); // or change the modal's content, etc

  // given the above point, you may want to render the view under this
  // modal here:
  this.index(); // for example

  // then continue to show your modal

// then in your other routes, for example `index`:
index: function () {
  // test somehow to make sure that the view needs to be rendered
  if (currentView instanceof IndexView) return;

  currentView = new IndexView();
  // continue to render/show the currentView
于 2013-11-04T00:13:27.100 回答