我正在尝试使用 scanf 运算符获取输入,但我还需要它的长度,我无法定义char name[number]
char string1[30];
printf("Enter string1:");
假设您正在提示用户输入他/她的名字。我的名字是“Steve”,所以我只需要 5 个字母,但其他名字更长。我刚刚在 Google 上搜索了“最长的名字”,我发现的一个例子是“Lydiakalanirowealeekundemondisha”,它需要 32 个字母。好的,让我们将输入缓冲区的长度设为 128 个字母,并认为它可能已经足够长了。
#include <stdio.h>
char first_name[128];
printf("Please enter your first name: ");
fgets(first_name, sizeof(first_name), stdin);
现在,无论用户输入什么(或从剪贴板粘贴),我们的程序都只会读取前 127 个字符。如果用户输入的内容少于这个值,我们就会得到一切。
if (strlen(first_name) >= sizeof(first_name) - 1)
printf("That input is too long, sorry.\n");
Here we check to see how long the string actually was. If it was too long we give an error message to the user. In theory, the user could have typed exactly 127 characters and the input would fit exactly, but we have no way to know if the user typed exactly 127 characters or more than that. And in practice we don't expect a first name to be anywhere near that long, so it's safe to treat this condition as an error.
Now, here is how to not do it. Never do this ever.
char short_buffer[16];
printf("Please enter your first name: ");
The function gets()
has no way to know how many characters will fit in the buffer. If the user types "Lydiakalanirowealeekundemondisha" then gets()
will write off the end of the buffer and likely cause an error. Never use gets()
char string1[50];
fgets(string1, sizeof string1, stdin);
这是防止给定数组溢出所必需的。为了使用字符串,您可以使用 来获取它的长度strlen()
,或者,如果您不允许使用它或者仍然要走到字符串,则可以通过计数字符直到遇到 NUL 字节。
其背景是 C 中的字符串以 NUL 字节终止。它们是char
s 的序列,NUL 字节(0,不是'0'
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
char string2[50]; // larger than required; in order to be able to check.
char string1[30]; // if all is ok, you have maximum length of 29, plus the NUL terminator. So 30 is ok.
char * ret = fgets(string2, sizeof string2, stdin);
if (!ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "Read error.\n")
return 1; // indicate error
if (strlen(string2) >= sizeof string1) { // we can take this size as a reference...
fprintf(stderr, "String 1 too long.\n")
return 1; // indicate error
strcpy(string1, string2); // as we have verified that this will match, it is ok.
// Otherwise, we would have to use strncpy.
// Now read the 2nd string by the same way:
ret = fgets(string2, sizeof string2, stdin);
if (!ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "Read error.\n")
return 1; // indicate error
if (strlen(string2) >= sizeof string1) { // we can take this size as a reference...
fprintf(stderr, "String 2 too long.\n")
return 1; // indicate error
// Now we know that both strings are ok in length an we can use strcmp().
int c = strcmp(string1, string2);
printf("strcmp() result: %d.\n", c);
return 0; // indicate success