I was trying to set up my development environment on Eclipse CDT for C++ and although the auto-complete is working (it finds classes like vector and such) it shows no documentation on C++ stuff, only C stuff (fopen, fclose, malloc) has documentation appearing on the auto-complete.

Some notes: I'm using Linux Mint and Eclipse Kepler Service Release 1 Build id: 20130919-0819 I had to manually install g++ on my Linux. I used 'sudo apt-get install g++-4.7' to install it I had to manually place "/usr/include/c++/4.7.3/" on the GCC C++ Compiler Includes in the Tool Settings in the project properties to get it to compile.

Any ideas on how to get the documentation in there?


1 回答 1


The help on C is provided by Libhover plugin. The developers tried to support C++ but seems these efforts did not get much traction.

C++ hover is actually installed by default in CDT. If not, you can install it manually (at CDT site look for "Plugins for C/C++ library hover help." and "Plugins for creating hover help from installed C devhelp documentation").

However, it is not enough. To get hovering help similar to C documentation you have to generate Doxygen XML for your library, e.g. for STL. Details are provided in hover documentation

于 2013-11-08T00:41:39.703 回答