I have a problem with my async method in WPF application. I want to implement asynch await pattern in my WPF application to retain form responsiveness when querying database with EntityFramework. I did everything as described in microsoft examples but it doesn't return control flow to the application as example applications do.
Here is my button click code:
private async void LoginButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var loggedIn = await _gluUserRepository.LoginAsync(LoginTextBox.Text, PasswordTextBox.Text);
Switcher.Switch(new Loader());
if (loggedIn)
UserName = LoginTextBox.Text;
Switcher.Switch(new Blank());
UserName = String.Empty;
MessageBox.Show("Błędny login lub hasło. Spróbuj ponownie.");
Switcher.Switch(new Login());
Here is my LoginAsync method:
public async Task<bool> LoginAsync(string login, string password)
string hashedPassword = PasswordHasher.Hash(password);
var user = await _dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.UserName == login);
if (user != null && user.Password == hashedPassword)
return true;
return false;
I've seen the same usage of async/await in Microsoft example applications, however, their WPF apps return control to Window handle, i.e. I can move window around when in my app that is impossible.
What I want to achieve is using async/await pattern with WPF application to retain responsiveness of application. I want to display loading circle when querying database and return to method when querying has been completed.
Anyone has an idea what am I doing wrong?