
基本上我需要的与 PraveenofPersia/Jesse 那里的解决方案相同,但只有考虑到 Fisherface 识别器的 python 实现: 人脸验证置信度得分的任何提示(与人脸识别相反)?

到目前为止,我面临的问题是 cv2 既不提供 subspaceProject 也不提供任何其他服务。




2 回答 2


我继续将 C++ 中的函数重写为 python。这不是最干净的,但它有效!如果您使用此 Python 代码并将其与另一个 C++ 示例中的高级概念相结合,您就可以完全按照您的要求进行操作。

 # projects samples into the LDA subspace
 def subspace_project(eigenvectors_column, mean, source):
     source_rows = len(source)
     source_cols = len(source[0])

     if len(eigenvectors_column) != source_cols * source_rows:
         raise Exception("wrong shape")

     flattened_source = []
     for row in source:
         flattened_source += [float(num) for num in row]
     flattened_source = np.asarray(flattened_source)
     delta_from_mean = cv2.subtract(flattened_source, mean)
     # flatten the matrix then convert to 1 row by many columns
     delta_from_mean = np.asarray([np.hstack(delta_from_mean)])

     empty_mat = np.array(eigenvectors_column, copy=True)  # this is required for the function call but unused
     result = cv2.gemm(delta_from_mean, eigenvectors_column, 1.0, empty_mat, 0.0)
     return result

 # reconstructs projections from the LDA subspace
 def subspace_reconstruct(eigenvectors_column, mean, projection, image_width, image_height):
     if len(eigenvectors_column[0]) != len(projection[0]):
         raise Exception("wrong shape")

     empty_mat = np.array(eigenvectors_column, copy=True)  # this is required for the function call but unused
     # GEMM_2_T transposes the eigenvector
     result = cv2.gemm(projection, eigenvectors_column, 1.0, empty_mat, 0.0, flags=cv2.GEMM_2_T)

     flattened_array = result[0]
     flattened_image = np.hstack(cv2.add(flattened_array, mean))
     flattened_image = np.asarray([np.uint8(num) for num in flattened_image])
     all_rows = []
     for row_index in xrange(image_height):
         row = flattened_image[row_index * image_width: (row_index + 1) * image_width]
     image_matrix = np.asarray(all_rows)
     image = normalize_hist(image_matrix)
     return image

 def normalize_hist(face):
     face_as_mat = np.asarray(face)
     equalized_face = cv2.equalizeHist(face_as_mat)
     equalized_face = cv.fromarray(equalized_face)                                                                                                                                                                                 
     return equalized_face
于 2014-01-05T23:16:38.190 回答

不幸的是,这些函数默认情况下不会暴露给 python api。

如果您从源代码构建 cv2.pyd,有一个简单的补救措施:

  • 找到他们的rep。声明,opencv/modules/contrib/include/opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp
  • 更改CV_EXPORTS Mat subspaceProject(...)CV_EXPORTS_W Mat subspaceProject(...)
  • 更改CV_EXPORTS Mat subspaceReconstruct(...)CV_EXPORTS_W Mat subspaceReconstruct(...)

  • 重新运行 cmake / make 以重建 cv 库和 python 包装器模块

额外的 _W 前缀会将这些函数添加到生成的包装器中

于 2013-11-03T18:20:43.590 回答