Does History.back() work in a GWTTestCase?

I have tried verifying the current token immediately after History.back() call and also after a delay using a Timer but it doesn't seem to change. The onValueChange() method doesn't seem to be called either.

I did a Google search for the issue and found a few posts that suggest others have experienced a similar problem but some are dated 2010. I did find one post where Thomas Broyer responded to one person that he observed the same but I am unable to find that post again.

Has anyone had success in testing code involving History.back() from GWTTestCase? If so, I am most likely doing something wrong. If it is a known issue or intended behavior I would appreciate knowing that so that I don't spend any more time on this.


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GWT 自己的测试来看,它应该可以工作,但可能有怪癖。

于 2013-11-03T19:28:37.443 回答