//Make the intent
Intent intent = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class);
/* Find the text field (view) which contains the data, and save it into a newly created text field (view of the same type)*/
EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.iden1); //******************************
//Read that view's string data into a string called message
String message= editmessage.getText().toString();
//copy this message into the extra named extra_name, of intent.
intent.putExtra(extra_name, message);
EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.iden1);
我的问题是显式转换,即(EditText)。为什么我们要将 findViewById() 返回的 EditText 视图(在 layout.xml 中定义并由 android:id="@+id/iden1" 标识)再次转换为 EditText 视图。这里视图editText的类型和layout.xml中创建的视图是一样的。那么这种类型转换的意义何在?