我正在尝试制作一个简单的足球模拟程序,但我在匹配球队时遇到了问题。if 语句在找到一个条件后退出循环。但我想做两个条件和两个操作。可能吗?

package soccer.simulator;
import java.util.Random;
 * @author Sertac
public class SoccerSimulator {
     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int HomeTeamScore = 0;
        int AwayTeamScore = 0;
        Random randomGenerator = new Random();

        String HomeTeam = new String();
        String AwayTeam = new String();
        int HomeTeamID = randomGenerator.nextInt(10);
        int AwayTeamID = randomGenerator.nextInt(10);

        if(HomeTeamID == AwayTeamID){
            while (HomeTeamID != AwayTeamID){
                AwayTeamID = randomGenerator.nextInt(10);

        if(HomeTeamID == 0 || AwayTeamID == 0){
            if(HomeTeamID == 0){
                HomeTeam = "Arsenal";
                AwayTeam = "Arsenal";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 1 || AwayTeamID == 1){
            if(HomeTeamID == 1){
                HomeTeam = "Barcelona";
                AwayTeam = "Barcelona";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 2 || AwayTeamID == 2){
            if(HomeTeamID == 2){
                HomeTeam = "Bayern Munich";
                AwayTeam = "Bayern Munich";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 3 || AwayTeamID == 3){
            if(HomeTeamID == 3){
                HomeTeam = "Chelsea";
                AwayTeam = "Chelsea";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 4 || AwayTeamID == 4){
            if(HomeTeamID == 4){
                HomeTeam = "Borussia Dortmund";
                AwayTeam = "Borussia Dortmund";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 5 || AwayTeamID == 5){
            if(HomeTeamID == 5){
                HomeTeam = "Galatasaray";
                AwayTeam = "Galatasaray";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 6 || AwayTeamID == 6){
            if(HomeTeamID == 6){
                HomeTeam = "Juventus";
                AwayTeam = "Juventus";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 7 || AwayTeamID == 7){
            if(HomeTeamID == 7){
                HomeTeam = "Manchester United";
                AwayTeam = "Manchester United";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 8 || AwayTeamID == 8){
            if(HomeTeamID == 8){
                HomeTeam = "Milan";
                AwayTeam = "Milan";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 9 || AwayTeamID == 9){
            if(HomeTeamID == 9){
                HomeTeam = "Real Madrid";
                AwayTeam = "Real Madrid";

        //Generating each random integers in range 0..99 for 90 minutes
        for(int minutes = 0; minutes <= 90; minutes++){
            int randomInt = randomGenerator.nextInt(100);

            //if random int equals 0,1,2 home team scores
            if(randomInt < 3){ HomeTeamScore = HomeTeamScore + 1; }

            //if random int equals 98,99 away team scores
            //home team has 1 more int because playing at home is better
            if(randomInt > 97){ AwayTeamScore = AwayTeamScore + 1; }                         
        System.out.println ("Simulation for match of the week:");
        System.out.println (HomeTeam + " " + HomeTeamScore + " - " + AwayTeamScore + " " + AwayTeam);


输出是: 3 - 1 Arsenal

或者: Arsenal 2 - 1


5 回答 5



String[] teamNames = new String[] {"Arsenal", "Barcelona", "Bayern Munich", "Chelsea", "Borussia Dortmund", "Galatasaray", "Juventus", "Manchester United", "Milan", "Real Madrid"};


HomeTeam = teamNames[HomeTeamID];
AwayTeam = teamNames[AwayTeamID];

附带说明一下,您应该遵守 Java 变量命名约定,并使用小写的 camelCase ( homeTeam, awayTeam, homeTeamID, awayTeamId)。

于 2013-11-03T10:13:44.260 回答

改为else if_if


import java.util.Random;
 * @author Sertac
public class SoccerSimulator {
     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int HomeTeamScore = 0;
        int AwayTeamScore = 0;
        Random randomGenerator = new Random();

        String HomeTeam = new String();
        String AwayTeam = new String();
        int HomeTeamID = randomGenerator.nextInt(10);
        int AwayTeamID = randomGenerator.nextInt(10);

        if(HomeTeamID == AwayTeamID){
            while (HomeTeamID != AwayTeamID){
                AwayTeamID = randomGenerator.nextInt(10);

        if(HomeTeamID == 0 || AwayTeamID == 0){
            if(HomeTeamID == 0){
                HomeTeam = "Arsenal";
                AwayTeam = "Arsenal";
        }  if(HomeTeamID == 1 || AwayTeamID == 1){
            if(HomeTeamID == 1){
                HomeTeam = "Barcelona";
                AwayTeam = "Barcelona";
        }  if(HomeTeamID == 2 || AwayTeamID == 2){
            if(HomeTeamID == 2){
                HomeTeam = "Bayern Munich";
                AwayTeam = "Bayern Munich";
        }  if(HomeTeamID == 3 || AwayTeamID == 3){
            if(HomeTeamID == 3){
                HomeTeam = "Chelsea";
                AwayTeam = "Chelsea";
        }  if(HomeTeamID == 4 || AwayTeamID == 4){
            if(HomeTeamID == 4){
                HomeTeam = "Borussia Dortmund";
                AwayTeam = "Borussia Dortmund";
        }  if(HomeTeamID == 5 || AwayTeamID == 5){
            if(HomeTeamID == 5){
                HomeTeam = "Galatasaray";
                AwayTeam = "Galatasaray";
        }  if(HomeTeamID == 6 || AwayTeamID == 6){
            if(HomeTeamID == 6){
                HomeTeam = "Juventus";
                AwayTeam = "Juventus";
        }  if(HomeTeamID == 7 || AwayTeamID == 7){
            if(HomeTeamID == 7){
                HomeTeam = "Manchester United";
                AwayTeam = "Manchester United";
        }  if(HomeTeamID == 8 || AwayTeamID == 8){
            if(HomeTeamID == 8){
                HomeTeam = "Milan";
                AwayTeam = "Milan";
        }  if(HomeTeamID == 9 || AwayTeamID == 9){
            if(HomeTeamID == 9){
                HomeTeam = "Real Madrid";
                AwayTeam = "Real Madrid";

        //Generating each random integers in range 0..99 for 90 minutes
        for(int minutes = 0; minutes <= 90; minutes++){
            int randomInt = randomGenerator.nextInt(100);

            //if random int equals 0,1,2 home team scores
            if(randomInt < 3){ HomeTeamScore = HomeTeamScore + 1; }

            //if random int equals 98,99 away team scores
            //home team has 1 more int because playing at home is better
            if(randomInt > 97){ AwayTeamScore = AwayTeamScore + 1; }                         
        System.out.println ("Simulation for match of the week:");
        System.out.println (HomeTeam + " " + HomeTeamScore + " - " + AwayTeamScore + " " + AwayTeam);

于 2013-11-03T10:14:48.157 回答



当前,您正在从 a 中选择两个随机intID,Random并使用它们在隐含的团队数组中查找团队。

因此,首先采用@ssantos 的建议 - 使数组显式并简单地从那里获取索引。



private static final String[] TEAM_NAMES = new String[]{"Arsenal", "Barcelona", "Bayern Munich", "Chelsea", "Borussia Dortmund", "Galatasaray", "Juventus", "Manchester United", "Milan", "Real Madrid"};
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();

public static void main(final String args[]) {
    List<String> teams = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(TEAM_NAMES));
    while (teams.size() > 1) {
        teams = playRound(teams);
    System.out.println("The champion is " + teams);

public static List<String> playRound(final List<String> teams) {
    final Iterator<String> teamsIter = teams.iterator();
    final List<String> winners = new ArrayList<>();
    while (teamsIter.hasNext()) {
        final String winner = play(teamsIter.next(), teamsIter.next());
    return winners;

public static String play(final String team1, final String team2) {
    return RANDOM.nextBoolean() ? team1 : team2;


首先我们声明常量——团队数组和Random实例。这些变量是static final这样命名的BLOCK_CAPITALS


接下来我们有 outmain方法。此方法获取团队并将它们读入List. 我们需要制作团队的副本,这样我们就不会弄乱团队数组。AList是一种更灵活的结构,稍后您将看到。另请注意,您需要两个团队的力量 - 如果团队成对比赛,那么您需要在每轮中被二整除的数字。




该方法首先shuffles传入团队,以便随机检索它们。然后它会得到Iteratorfor the - 这使您可以逐个元素List地行走。List如果团队数量不是偶数,这也是引发错误的地方 - 第二个next()将引发NoSuchElementException.

然后该方法进入另一个while循环 - 虽然Iterator不是空的,但它play与两个团队一起调用。它将获胜的团队放入winners List. 这是List最后返回的那个。

并不是说 aList有一个add方法可以动态填充它 - 这与具有固定大小的数组不同。

这是您实际模拟的地方。目前它随机选择一个获胜者 - 你可以输入你当前的方法。

于 2013-11-03T10:28:21.447 回答

用if替换else if,代码应该可以正常工作。

于 2013-11-03T10:16:02.007 回答


if(HomeTeamID == 0 || AwayTeamID == 0){
            if(HomeTeamID == 0){
                HomeTeam = "Arsenal";
                AwayTeam = "Arsenal";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 1 || AwayTeamID == 1){
            if(HomeTeamID == 1){
                HomeTeam = "Barcelona";
                AwayTeam = "Barcelona";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 2 || AwayTeamID == 2){
            if(HomeTeamID == 2){
                HomeTeam = "Bayern Munich";
                AwayTeam = "Bayern Munich";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 3 || AwayTeamID == 3){
            if(HomeTeamID == 3){
                HomeTeam = "Chelsea";
                AwayTeam = "Chelsea";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 4 || AwayTeamID == 4){
            if(HomeTeamID == 4){
                HomeTeam = "Borussia Dortmund";
                AwayTeam = "Borussia Dortmund";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 5 || AwayTeamID == 5){
            if(HomeTeamID == 5){
                HomeTeam = "Galatasaray";
                AwayTeam = "Galatasaray";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 6 || AwayTeamID == 6){
            if(HomeTeamID == 6){
                HomeTeam = "Juventus";
                AwayTeam = "Juventus";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 7 || AwayTeamID == 7){
            if(HomeTeamID == 7){
                HomeTeam = "Manchester United";
                AwayTeam = "Manchester United";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 8 || AwayTeamID == 8){
            if(HomeTeamID == 8){
                HomeTeam = "Milan";
                AwayTeam = "Milan";
        } else if(HomeTeamID == 9 || AwayTeamID == 9){
            if(HomeTeamID == 9){
                HomeTeam = "Real Madrid";
                AwayTeam = "Real Madrid";


case 0: HomeTeam = "Arsenal";
case 1: HomeTeam = "Barcelona";


case 0: AwayTeam = "Arsenal";
case 1: AwayTeam = "Barcelona";


于 2013-11-03T10:13:59.193 回答