我想在我的 Raspberry pi 上使用可寻址 LED,可能与 node.js (npm gpio) 或 python 一起使用。我对电路不太了解,但我感觉树莓派没有数字写入能力。
该条有 4 个输入(5v、SDI、CKI、GND)我正在使用这个:http ://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008F05N54/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
这是我对一个有效但不适用于条带的单个 LED 的内容:
var gpio = require("gpio");
var gpio22, gpio4, intervalTimer;
// Flashing lights if LED connected to GPIO22
gpio22 = gpio.export(22, {
ready: function() {
inervalTimer = setInterval(function() {
setTimeout(function() { gpio22.reset(); }, 500);
}, 1000);
// Lets assume a different LED is hooked up to pin 4, the following code
// will make that LED blink inversely with LED from pin 22
gpio4 = gpio.export(4, {
ready: function() {
// bind to gpio22's change event
gpio22.on("change", function(val) {
gpio4.set(1 - val); // set gpio4 to the opposite value
// reset the headers and unexport after 10 seconds
setTimeout(function() {
clearInterval(intervalTimer); // stops the voltage cycling
gpio22.removeAllListeners('change'); // unbinds change event
gpio22.reset(); // sets header to low
gpio22.unexport(); // unexport the header
gpio4.unexport(function() {
// unexport takes a callback which gets fired as soon as unexporting is done
process.exit(); // exits your node program
}, 10000)
我想要做的是让它与我的可寻址 LED 灯条一起工作:
有谁知道我是否可以通过数字写入来使用我的可寻址 LED 来做到这一点?我接近这个错误吗?