以 x86 汇编语言存储的内容的第一个元素。我已经将堆栈弹出两次,eax
. 然后弹出argv
. 从这里我迷路了。我在组装方面几乎没有经验,我只是想了解它。
mov ecx, 0 ;count output characters
pop eax ;reject this 32 bits
pop eax ;get argc
pop ebx ; get argv
;mov bl, [ebx]
add al, 30H ;convert integer to ascii
mov edi, cline ;put char in output buffer
mov byte [edi],al
;inc edi
;mov [edi], bl
inc ecx ;increment output char count
inc edi ;increment pointer to o/p buffer
mov al, 0aH ;LF to end line
mov byte[edi],al ;put it at end of output line
inc ecx ;increment output char count
push ecx ;save char count on stack
mov edx,len ;length of string to write
mov ecx,msg ;addr of string
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor 1 = stdout
mov eax,4 ;"write" system call
int 0x80 ;call the kernel
pop edx ;restore char count into edx for system call
mov ecx,cline ;address of string
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor 1 = stdout