我已经在相应的MSDN 文章中测试了示例代码:

Sub WorkWithPages() 
    ' Fill random data: 
    Range("A1", "R100").Formula = "=RANDBETWEEN(1, 100)" 

    Dim pgs As Pages 
    Set pgs = PageSetup.Pages 

    PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True 

    ' Look in the Immediate window for this output: 
    Debug.Print "The current sheet can be printed on " & _ 
     pgs.Count & " page(s)." 

    Dim pg As Page 
    Set pg = pgs(1) 
    pg.CenterHeader.Text = "This is the first page's header" 

    Set pg = pgs(2) 
    pg.CenterFooter.Text = "This is the second page's footer" 

    Set pg = pgs(pgs.Count) 
    pg.CenterFooter.Text = "This is the last page's center footer." 
    pg.LeftHeader.Text = "This is the last page's header" 

    ' Note that Excel supports only distinct headers/footers 
    ' for the first page, so headers and footers on the second 
    ' and other pages are combined--the last value set overwrites 
    ' the header/footer. 

    ' See the values in the Immediate window. 
    ' Note that the code disregards errors that occur--attempting 
    ' to retrieve a header/footer setting that doesn't exist raises an error: 
    On Error Resume Next 
    Debug.Print "First page (CenterHeader) : " & pgs(1).CenterHeader.Text 
    Debug.Print "Second page (CenterHeader): " & pgs(2).CenterHeader.Text 
    Debug.Print "Second page (CenterFooter): " & pgs(2).CenterFooter.Text 
    Debug.Print "Third page (CenterFooter) : " & pgs(3).CenterFooter.Text 
    Debug.Print "Last page (LeftHeader)    : " & pgs(pgs.Count).LeftHeader.Text 
    Debug.Print "Last page (CenterFooter)  : " & pgs(pgs.Count).CenterFooter.Text 

    ' In conclusion, use the Page class to retrieve information about headers 
    ' and footers for specific pages. Use the PageSetup object to set the headers 
    ' and footers, as it's clearer to set them there. 
End Sub

但是该Debug.Print "Second page (CenterFooter): " & pgs(2).CenterFooter.Text行输出的值与预期的不同:

Second page (CenterFooter): This is the last page's center footer

而不是正确的:Second page (CenterFooter): This is the second page's footer



2 回答 2


有不同的页脚/页眉配置,但它们都不允许为每个页面写入不同的值。您可以为第一页和偶数/不偶数页编写不同的文本;您也可以在页面之间添加一些具有某些变化的格式(例如,页码),但就是这样。在 Word 中,规则是等价的。

关于您提供的 MSDN 代码,其中一条评论说:

请注意,Excel 仅支持第一页的不同页眉/页脚,因此第二页和其他页上的页眉和页脚被合并——最后一个值设置会覆盖页眉/页脚。


于 2013-11-03T10:07:55.793 回答

我知道这是从死里复活一个线程,但这实际上在 Excel VBA 中是可行的。我必须弄清楚,因为我在这里找不到可接受的解决方案,所以我把它留给下一个可怜的草皮:



Sub InsertQuoteHeaderAndFooter(ByVal shtHeader As Worksheet, strText$)

    shtHeader.PageSetup.RightFooter = "&""Calibri"" &8 &K434643" & strTxt & " | &P of &N"

End Sub

然后在 For 循环中调用它,根据需要调整 shtHeader 和 strText。希望这对下一位考古学家有所帮助。

于 2018-07-23T17:47:26.117 回答