I have some specific task. We have String like "(()[]<>)" or something familiar with this. A question in my interview qustion was how check either String is correct or incorrect. For example: "()[]<>" - true, "([)" - false, "[(])" - false, "([<>])" - true. Thank you guys very much! I can' t take what's wrong with my code. Thank a lot guys!!! Please help!
import java.util.Stack;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String line = "(<>()[])";
Test test = new Test();
boolean res = test.stringChecker(line);
public boolean stringChecker(String line){
boolean result = false;
char letter = '\u0000';
char[] arr = line.toCharArray();
Stack<Character> stack = new Stack();
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] == '(' || arr[i] == '[' || arr[i] == '<') {
if(arr[i] == ')' || arr[i] == ']' || arr[i] == '>'){
if(stack.peek() == arr[i]){
result = true;
return result;