Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./enc.py", line 53, in <module>
File "./enc.py", line 35, in encrypt
val1 = text2[i] + decryptionKey[j]
TypeError: string indices must be integers, not str
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import sys
def encrypt():
text1 = raw_input("Please input your information to encrypt: ")
text2 = []
#Convert text1 into binary (text2)
for char in text1:
text2 = ''.join(text2)
key = raw_input("Please input your key for decryption: ")
decryptionKey = []
#Convert key into binary (decryptionKey)
for char in key:
decryptionKey = ''.join(decryptionKey)
#Verification String
print "The text is '%s'" %text1
print "The key is '%s'" %key
userInput1 = raw_input("Is this information ok? y/n ")
if userInput1 == 'y':
print "I am encrypting your data, please hold on."
elif userInput1 == 'n':
print "Cancelled your operation."
print "I didn't understand that. Please type y or n (I do not accept yes or no as an answer, and make sure you type it in as lowercase. We should be able to fix this bug soon.)"
finalString = []
if userInput1 == 'y':
for i in text2:
j = 0
k = 0
val1 = text2[i] + decryptionKey[j]
if val1 == 0:
finalString[k] = 0
elif val1 == 1:
finalString[k] = 1
elif val1 == 2:
finalString[k] = 0
j += 1
k += 1
print finalString
如果更简单,还可以查看源码@https ://github.com/ryan516/XOREncrypt/blob/master/enc.py