james@pc:~/htdocs/$ tree -a
|-- image.png
`-- index.html
0 directories, 2 files
james@pc:~/htdocs/$ zipcache init
Initialized cache in ./.zipcache/
james@pc:~/htdocs/$ tree -a
|-- .zipcache
| |-- gzip
| | `-- index.html.gz
| `-- lzma
| `-- index.html.lzma
|-- image.png
`-- index.html
1 directory, 3 files
james@pc:~/htdocs/$ zipcache gzip index.html
... zipcache emits gzipped copy of index.html on stdout by cat-ing ./.zipcache/gzip/index.html.gz
james@pc:~/htdocs/$ zipcache lzma index.html
... zipcache emits lzma'd copy of index.html on stdout by cat-ing ./.zipcache/lzma/index.html.gz
james@pc:~/htdocs/$ zipcache lzma image.png
... zipcache generates error signifying cache miss (it's intelligent enough to know that PNG shouldn't be further zipped) ...
我最关心的是缓存静态文件的压缩副本,这些副本通过启用内容编码的 HTTP 重复传输。每次请求文件时,我都不想计算压缩率。