我正在从 Client 类中读取一个文件,并将其传递给 Service 构造函数。我正在使用 StringTockenizer 解析传递的 1 行字符串。有效行中应该正好有 5 个项目。如果该行的项目多于或少于 5 个,则应将其视为无效并忽略。
如果构造函数抛出异常,我希望稍后在 Client 类中处理它。我遇到的问题是我无法弄清楚如何正确读取文件,忽略无效行,然后继续阅读直到文件末尾。有人可以指出我正确的方向吗?
import java.util.StringTokenizer; //allows use of StringTockenizer
import java.util.ArrayList; //allows use of ArrayList
import java.io.Serializable; //allows use of Serializable
public class MailingLabel implements Serializable
{ //start class
public String name, address, city, state, zipCode;
public MailingLabel(String input) throws IllegalMailingLabelException
//accepts String parameter from Client
{ //start constructor
int count = 0;
String extra; //used to hold extra tokens from invalid lines
StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(info, ",");
name = token.nextToken(); //1st token in string
address = token.nextToken(); //2nd token in string
city = token.nextToken(); //3rd token in string
state = token.nextToken(); //4th token in string
zipCode = token.nextToken(); //5th token in string
count++; //count should equal 5
extra = token.nextToken(); //holds extra tokens
if (count > 5)
throw new IllegalMailingLabelException("Exactly 5 fields are required");
如果该数据行中有 6 个标记,则成功引发错误,但它现在为有效行引发错误(因为该行不包含第 6 个标记)。我不想为此写另一个例外。} //结束构造函数
public class IllegalMailingLabelException extends NoSuchFieldException
{ //start class
public IllegalMailingLabelException(String message)
{ //start constructor
super( message );
} //end constructor
} //end class
import java.io.*; //allows use of BufferedReader & ObjectOutputStream
import java.util.*; //allows use of ArrayList
public class Client1
{ //start class
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
{ //start main
String input; //holds each line read from file
{ //start try, opens and reads the file
BufferedReader bufIn = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("testData.txt")));
testData.txt 中的示例数据是: 1,2,3,4,5,6 //这应该是无效数据 1,2,3,4 //这应该也是无效数据 1,2,3,4, 5 //这是有效数据
System.out.println("Beginning to read file");
while ( (info = bufIn.readLine()) != null)
{ //start while
{ //start try to create new MailingLabel Object
MailingLabel label = new MailingLabel(input);
} //end try
catch(IllegalMailingLabelException e)
{ //start catch, if object not created
//(handles the exception thrown by service)
//prints error message from service constructor
} //end catch
} //end while
System.out.println("Finshed reading file");
bufIn.close(); //closes the file
} //end try
catch (FileNotFoundException e) //if file isn't found
{ //start catch
System.out.println("File not found");
} //end catch
} //end main
} //end class