Is there any function that would act like .appendTo()
, but would replace content instead of appending, keeping replacer as an jQuery object? The html()
does not keep element as object, simply converts it to html.
The problem is that I would like to be able to dynamically edit table cells. So when user hovers td, a button with pencil appears, and after clicking on it, cell content is put into input box, and replaced with that input.
Procedure is easy, but this is annoying that switching to input reduces cell size, so whole table is being resized. Using html()
fixes that, but it ruins blur
event as well as autofocusing or selecting text in input box.
It's something like this:
var parent = $(this).parent();
var old = $(parent).html();
var input = $('<input type="text"/>').val($(parent).text()).attr('rel',old);
//--- would like to combine lines below ---//
$(parent).html(''); <-- this resizes table cell
$(input).appendTo($(parent)).focus().select(); //<-- this is important thing.
Input width is set to 100%.
If I use $(parent).html($(input).focus().select());
it of course won't resize table cell, but does not focus or select text neither, because the node is not yet in document.
Adding input first and then removing old content is a bad idea, as it extends table cell size.
Please don't even mention about replaceWidth()
as it is not what I mean!
Table cell is mentioned to be as small as possible, so:
as max-width does not work with table cells with nowrap
, the content is put into the div that limits size of the content to 150px: