我在 git web 项目(系统:Ubuntu-gnome 13.10)中通常使用 meld。

我希望它跳过扫描某些文件和文件夹,例如 .meteor 目录(扫描需要一段时间)。

Ubuntu-Gnome 安装 meld 1.8.1。它在 Edit -> Preferences -> File Filters 下有一个添加新文件过滤器的选项。更多细节: http: //meldmerge.org/help/file-filters.html#file-name-filter

我为要跳过的文件和文件夹添加了新规则(并检查了“激活”选项),但它似乎不起作用,即使在重新启动 meld 之后也是如此。

新规则似乎不起作用 - 我看到 meld 正在扫描 .meteor 文件夹,而且它显示据称被忽略的文件 (index.html) 已更改。我没有看到“文件过滤器不起作用”的开放融合错误。我倾向于认为它确实有效,只是我做错了什么。任何如何解决这个问题的想法都将受到欢迎!


3 回答 3


我目前在 Ubuntu 18.04 上使用 Meld 版本 3.18.0。融合文档提到自定义过滤器。当融合成为焦点时,可以访问设置菜单。它位于屏幕的左上角菜单。


于 2020-12-14T11:19:11.733 回答

I have an answer for my own question, somewhat:

Meld has two modes:

  1. VC (Version Control): Meld compares against the VC image of the directory, and ignores the File Filters option
  2. Non-VC mode: the filters kick in

This makes somewhat sense, a way.

I use meteor.js which has a .meteor folder for project meta data. In it there are pulled packages, their src and other meta. Many files/folder, in short. The .meteor folder is listed in the .gitignore file, so git excludes it. Meld on the other hand, revisits it and spends a while scanning its sub folders, which seems to take "forever".

I looked for ways to prevent it. One direction was to use the File Filters feature. Another, would be for meld (in VC-mode) skip ignored content.

Meld has a reported issue "Have meld use the .gitignore to limit scanned dir/files", see: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=684400

As of today this issue is fixed (repo head contains it). Looks like it will be in meld ver 3.11.1 and onward. As expected, this fix solves my problem.

As a side note, it might take a while for this fix to get to Deb/Ubuntu, so if you need it, use meld head from: http://meldmerge.org/development.html

于 2014-03-31T16:57:58.047 回答


要在 meld 中添加一个新的文件过滤器(在我的例子中是 3.16.2),打开 dconf 并修改/org/gnome/dconf/filename-filters(json 像字符串,易于理解),然后重新启动 meld。


于 2016-08-08T09:12:09.100 回答