我是 Python 的新手。我正在尝试创建一个仅收取最低付款(从 10 开始)并仅返回余额(付款 12 个月后)的函数。
在函数之外,我正在使用一个调用该函数并检查余额是否为零或小于零的循环。如果不是,则增加最低付款 + 10 美元并再次调用该函数。当余额为零或小于零时,打印出最低付款。
测试用例 1:
balance = 3329
annualInterestRate = 0.2
Result Your Code Should Generate:
******Lowest Payment: 310******
Test Case 2:
balance = 4773
annualInterestRate = 0.2
Result Your Code Should Generate:
**最低付款:440* *
Test Case 3:
balance = 3926
annualInterestRate = 0.2
Result Your Code Should Generate:
**最低付款:360* *
balance = 100
annualInterestRate = 0.2
per_month = ( annualInterestRate / 12 )
# Answer is 0.0166666 but I need it to be 0.01, so figured out to convert to string then to float, not the most elegant , but practical. :)
convert_to_str = str(per_month)[:4]
per_month = float(convert_to_str)
lowest_payment = 0
def main():
i = 0
while i < 11:
global balance
global lowest_payment
global per_month
balance = balance - lowest_payment
balance = ((balance * per_month) + balance)
i = i +1
#print (balance)
if balance <= 0 or balance == 0:
print "Lowest Payment: " + str(lowest_payment)
lowest_payment = lowest_payment + 10
问题是没有执行我的功能,然后再次循环。我尝试过使用 if 和 while 循环。在我的while循环下面,给出一个无限循环:
while balance >= 0 or balance != 0:
lowest_payment = lowest_payment + 10
if balance <= 0:
print "Lowest Payment: " + str(lowest_payment)