/*keyArray contains a line of cipherkey, and inputArray contains a text that is being encrypted.*/
public static void addRoundKey() {
String keyEle = "";
String inputEle = "";
String result = "";
for(int col=0; col<4; col++) {
for(int row = 0; row<4; row++) {
keyEle = Integer.toHexString(keyArray[row][col] & 0xff);
inputEle = Integer.toHexString(inputArray[row][col] & 0xff);
if(keyEle.equals("0")) {
keyEle = "00";
if(inputEle.equals("0")) {
inputEle = "00";
BigInteger keyNum = new BigInteger(keyEle,16);
BigInteger inputNum = new BigInteger(inputEle, 16);
result = keyNum.xor(inputNum).toString();
System.out.println("result = " + result);
keyArray[row][col] = Byte.valueOf(result, 16);
//The above line causes Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: Value out of range. Value:"99" Radix:16`
//keyArray[row][col] = (byte) (Integer.parseInt(result) & 0xff);
我认为 addRoundKey 步骤从我要加密的每个密码密钥和文本中提取一列,然后对它们进行异或,对吗?
所以,这就是我的实现,我明白为什么会出现“值超出范围”错误,这是因为 byte 采用范围从 -128 到 127 的数字,对吗?
但我不太确定如何解决它。我无法更改 keyArray 的类型,即 Byte。