i' having trouble implementing in app billing in my android app. i'm getting a purchase signature verification failed. In a first time i tough it was the base64 key but i checked it many times and i'm still getting the error, then after i took a look at the Security.java file and i found this method which i edited for get some informations about what was wrong:
public static boolean verifyPurchase(String base64PublicKey, String signedData, String signature) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(signedData) || TextUtils.isEmpty(base64PublicKey) ||
TextUtils.isEmpty(signature)) {
if(TextUtils.isEmpty(signedData)) Log.d(TAG, "SIGNED DATA EMPTY");
if(TextUtils.isEmpty(base64PublicKey)) Log.d(TAG, "KEY IS EMPTY");
if(TextUtils.isEmpty(signature)) Log.d(TAG, "SIGNATURE IS EMPTY");
Log.e(TAG, "Purchase verification failed: missing data.");
return false;
PublicKey key = Security.generatePublicKey(base64PublicKey);
return Security.verify(key, signedData, signature);
And i'm getting "signature is empty". Even after i follow the steps below: -Sign the apk with my release key -upload it as a draft -install it on a device with "adb -d install app.apk"
I'm testing with real purchases. Thanks.
Edit The purchase flow is fine, i get the error when i call queryInventoryAsync