
我有大量 .csv 文件,我正在寻找一种将它们导入 Excel 的方法,作为单个工作簿中的单独工作表



Sub test()
Dim MacReturn As String
Dim FilePaths As Variant
MacReturn = MacScript(ScriptString)

FilePaths = Split(MacReturn, ",")

If UBound(FilePaths) = -1 Then
    MsgBox "chosen folder had no CSV files"
    If FilePaths(0) = "false" Then
        MsgBox "cancel button pressed"
        MsgBox (UBound(FilePaths) + 1) & " CSV files in folder."
    End If
End If
End Sub

Function ScriptString() As String
ScriptString = "tell application ""Finder"""

ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "    try"
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "        set CSVfiles to (files of (choose folder) whose    name extension = ""csv"")"
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "        set allPaths to {}"
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "        repeat with oneFile in CSVfiles"
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "            set OnePath to """""
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "            repeat until (name of oneFile = """")"
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "                set OnePath to (get name of (oneFile)) & "":"" & OnePath"
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "                set oneFile to (container of oneFile)"
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "            end repeat"
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "            copy (text 1 thru -2 of OnePath) to end of   allPaths"
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "        end repeat"
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "activate application ""Microsoft Excel"""
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "        return allPaths"
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "    on error"
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "activate application ""Microsoft Excel"""
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "        return false"
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "    end try"
ScriptString = ScriptString & vbCr & "end tell"

End Function

VBA 似乎可以工作,并在您点击 OK 时要求您选择一个文件夹,什么都没有导入???


tell application "System Events"
set CSVfiles to path of (files of (choose folder) whose name extension = "csv")
end tell

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
open workbook workbook file name "HD:Users:<my name>:Documents:Office:SOLAR:converted:Daily solar Generation.xlsx"
set targetSheet to worksheet 1 of workbook (name of active workbook)
repeat with thisFile in CSVfiles

    open text file filename thisFile data type delimited

    tell active workbook
        open workbook workbook file name "HD:Users:<myname>:Documents:Office:SOLAR:converted:Daily solar Generation .xlsx"
        set sourceBookName to its name
        set sourceSheet to sheet 1
    end tell
    copy worksheet sourceSheet after targetSheet
    close workbook sourceBookName
end repeat
end tell


错误“系统事件出错:AppleEvent 超时。” 号码-1712



1 回答 1


Applescript 正在挂起,choose folder因为它位于System Eventstell 块中,但系统事件无法弄清楚如何处理它。将选择的文件夹移出tell块,它应该可以工作。

set theFolder to choose folder
tell application "System Events"
    set CSVfiles to path of (files of theFolder whose name extension = "csv")
end tell
于 2013-11-01T19:00:27.443 回答