所以我尝试: 1)通过单击按钮切换背景颜色和 DIV 元素 2)通过单击按钮更改图像源(不是切换)。
<!Doctype HTML>
function changeimage()
{ x = document.getElementById("image");
x.alt="e:-\PHOTOS\garfield-coffee.jpg"; // the new image doesnt load, but if I specify an "alt", it seems to work.
function changeDivColor()
{ x = document.getElementById("main_container")
if(x.style.backgroundColor=="#3B7AF0") // the if thens just dont work. Simply changing color one time does.
{ x.style.backgroundColor="#dfedf0"; }
{ x.style.backgroundColor=="#3B7AF0"; }
<div id="main_container" style="background-color:#3B7AF0;width:1800px;height:1800px;font-size:10pt">
<img id="image" src="e:\photos\garf2.jpg" width:40px height:40px></img>
<div id="Scriptarea"> <!-- Javascript stuff -->
<input type="button" onclick="changeimage()" value="click here to change garfield"></input>
<input type="button" onclick="changeDivColor()" value="Change DIV color"></input>
</div> <!-- Javascript stuff -->