## The following can also be done in 2 steps. The basic idea is to split
## the values into a semi-long form for `dcast` to be able to use. So,
## I've split first on the semicolon, and made the data into a long form
## at the same time, then I've split on =, but kept it wide that time.
out <- concat.split(concat.split.multiple(df, "V2", ";", "long"),
"V2", "=", drop = TRUE)
# V1 time V2_1 V2_2
# 1 First_names_list 1 a 34.0
# 2 Second_names_list 1 d 2.0
# 3 Third_names_list 1 c 1.0
# 4 First_names_list 2 b 4.0
# 5 Second_names_list 2 m 98.0
# 6 Third_names_list 2 d 12.0
# 7 First_names_list 3 <NA> NA
# 8 Second_names_list 3 n 32.0
# 9 Third_names_list 3 m 0.1
dcast(out[complete.cases(out), ], V1 ~ V2_1, value.var="V2_2")
# V1 a b c d m n
# 1 First_names_list 34 4 NA NA NA NA
# 2 Second_names_list NA NA NA 2 98.0 32
# 3 Third_names_list NA NA 1 12 0.1 NA
选项 2
# [1] ‘1.8.11’
dt <- data.table(df)
S1 <- dt[, list(X = unlist(strsplit(as.character(V2), ";"))), by = V1]
S1[, c("A", "B") := do.call(rbind.data.frame, strsplit(X, "="))]
# V1 X A B
# 1: First_names_list a=34 a 34
# 2: First_names_list b=4 b 4
# 3: Second_names_list d=2 d 2
# 4: Second_names_list m=98 m 98
# 5: Second_names_list n=32 n 32
# 6: Third_names_list c=1 c 1
# 7: Third_names_list d=12 d 12
# 8: Third_names_list m=0.1 m 0.1
dcast.data.table(S1, V1 ~ A, value.var="B")
# V1 a b c d m n
# 1: First_names_list 34 4 NA NA NA NA
# 2: Second_names_list NA NA NA 2 98 32
# 3: Third_names_list NA NA 1 12 0.1 NA
df <- structure(list(V1 = c("First_names_list", "Second_names_list",
"Third_names_list"), V2 = c("a=34;b=4", "d=2;m=98;n=32",
"c=1;d=12;m=0.1")), .Names = c("V1", "V2"), class = "data.frame",
row.names = c(NA, -3L))