我正在制作一个脚本来将 csv 中的一些用户添加到我的 AD 中,但由于某种我无法找到的原因它不起作用 ^^'。

我正在使用文件 ADlog 来查看我的代码在哪里,它在“else(Woot?)”中,所以它可能无法访问我的 AD thx,因为我的代码有错误,或者......不知道

#connection to the Active Directory


if($objOU.Children -ne $null) {

# import data from the csv file

$dataSource=import-csv ("\user.csv")
ForEach($dataRecord in $dataSource) {

    #checking the existance of the UO

    if(($objOU.Children | where {$_.Path -match "OU=$ou"}) -eq $null){

    #if it doesn't, we creat it

        $objOU = $objOU.create("organizationalUnit", "ou="+$ou)
    "UO not there" | Add-Content C:\ADlog.txt


    else {

    #if it does exist we point on it to creat the new user

        $objOU = $objOU.Children.Find("OU=$ou")
    "WOOT ?" | Add-Content C:\ADlog.txt

    $cn=$GivenName + " " + $sn
    $UserPrincipalname=$SamAccountName +"@"+$DNS_DomainName

    #we create the obj user in the AD



    #empty to make the user choise his own passwd

    #we activate the account

    #we check that the acc is created

    if(($objOU.Children | where {$_.Path -match "CN=$cn"}) -ne $null) {
        "User : "+$UserPrincipalName+" Ok" | Add-Content C:\ADlog.txt


Write-Host "Sucess!"

#Delete the reg key

Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"-Name "Unattend*"

 else {
"Failure" | Add-Content C:\ADlog.txt

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于 2013-11-01T18:53:49.960 回答