From the Android API Guide > Bluetooth > Enabling discoverability:

The maximum duration an app can set is 3600 seconds, and a value of 0 means the device is always discoverable. Any value below 0 or above 3600 is automatically set to 120 secs). For example, this snippet sets the duration to 300:

So I want to make the device always discoverable, and use their code snippet:

 Intent discoverableIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_DISCOVERABLE);
 discoverableIntent.putExtra(BluetoothAdapter.EXTRA_DISCOVERABLE_DURATION, 0);

While the snippet correctly shows the user a dialog that asks their permission to make their device "always visible to other bluetooth devices", pressing "Yes" will only make the device discoverable for 120 seconds.

Is this a bug? What can I do about it? I'm testing on API 17, with a Samsung Galaxy S2.


Extend Android Bluetooth Discoverability

Here it is suggested in one of the answers that this goes beyond Android, and that this issue has to do with the DiscoverableTimeout value in /system/etc/bluetooth/main.conf. Is this true? If so, how would I edit the value?


1 回答 1


我参加聚会已经很晚了,但对于可能需要这个的人来说仍然很晚。您可以使设备发现的最大值仅为 300 秒。根据以下文档:

public static final String EXTRA_DISCOVERABLE_DURATION

Added in API level 5
Used as an optional int extra field in ACTION_REQUEST_DISCOVERABLE intents to request a specific duration for discoverability in seconds. The current default is 120 seconds, and requests over 300 seconds will be capped. These values could change.

Constant Value: "android.bluetooth.adapter.extra.DISCOVERABLE_DURATION"
于 2015-02-11T08:48:16.633 回答