您好,我想将SEOStats 类与 codeigniter 中的项目集成,有人提供解决方案吗?

我试图将 SEOstats 类作为助手并将助手加载到特定的控制器中,但是显示了一个空白页面,我也尝试通过视图包含它,但我看到的是相同的空白页面,

我已将此代码包含在我的视图文件中,SEOstats 目录也在同一个视图目录中。

    require_once  'SEOstats/bootstrap.php';

  use \SEOstats\Services as SEOstats;

  try {
    $url = 'http://www.google.com/';

 // Create a new SEOstats instance.
 $seostats = new \SEOstats\SEOstats;

  // Bind the URL to the current SEOstats instance.
  if ($seostats->setUrl($url)) {

   echo SEOstats\Alexa::getGlobalRank();
   echo SEOstats\Google::getPageRank();
 catch (SEOstatsException $e) {


 namespace SEOstats;

 use SEOstats\Common\SEOstatsException as E;
 use SEOstats\Config as Config;
 use SEOstats\Helper as Helper;
use SEOstats\Services as Service;

 class SEOstats
   const BUILD_NO = Config\Package::VERSION_CODE;

protected static $_url,
                 = false;

public function __construct($url = false)
    if (false !== $url) {

public function Alexa()
    return new Service\Alexa;

public function Google()
    return new Service\Google;

public function OpenSiteExplorer()
    return new Service\OpenSiteExplorer;

public function SEMRush()
    return new Service\SemRush;

public function Sistrix()
    return new Service\Sistrix;

public function Social()
    return new Service\Social;

public static function getHost()
    return self::$_host;

public static function getLastLoadedHtml()
    return self::$_lastHtml;

public static function getLastLoadedUrl()
    return self::$_lastLoadedUrl;

 * Ensure the URL is set, return default otherwise
 * @return string
public static function getUrl($url = false)
    $url = false !== $url ? $url : self::$_url;
    return $url;

public function setUrl($url)
    if (false !== Helper\Url::isRfc($url)) {
        self::$_url  = $url;
        self::$_host = Helper\Url::parseHost($url);
    else {
        throw new E('Invalid URL!');
    return true;

 * @return DOMDocument
protected static function _getDOMDocument($html) {
    $doc = new \DOMDocument;
    return $doc;

 * @return DOMXPath
protected static function _getDOMXPath($doc) {
    $xpath = new \DOMXPath($doc);
    return $xpath;

 * @return HTML string
protected static function _getPage($url) {
    $url = self::getUrl($url);
    if (self::getLastLoadedUrl() == $url) {
        return self::getLastLoadedHtml();

    $html = Helper\HttpRequest::sendRequest($url);
    if ($html) {
        self::$_lastLoadedUrl = $url;
        return $html;
    else {

protected static function _setHtml($str)
    self::$_lastHtml = $str;

protected static function noDataDefaultValue()
    return Config\DefaultSettings::DEFAULT_RETURN_NO_DATA;




2 回答 2




if (!defined('BASEPATH'))
   exit('No direct script access allowed');

class SEOstatistics {

   private $seostats;

   function __construct() {
      require_once( APPPATH . 'third_party/seostats/bootstrap.php' );

      $this->seostats = new \SEOstats\SEOstats;

   private function alexa() {
      return new \SEOstats\Services\Alexa;

   private function google() {
      return new \SEOstats\Services\Google;

   private function moz() {
      return new \SEOstats\Services\Mozscape();

   private function openSiteExplorer() {
      return new \SEOstats\Services\OpenSiteExplorer();

   private function semRush() {
      return new \SEOstats\Services\SemRush();

   private function sistrix() {
      return new \SEOstats\Services\Sistrix();

   private function social() {
      return new \SEOstats\Services\Social();

   public function __call($method, $url) {
       if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
          if ($this->seostats->setUrl($url[0])) {
             return call_user_func_array(array($this, $method),array());

          return false;


$google = $this->seostatistics->google($url);
$rank = $google->getPageRank();
于 2016-02-21T13:18:07.683 回答

这就是我在我的 Codeigniter 网站上包含 SEOStats 的方式

class Cron extends Frontend_Controller

    public function get_google_page_rank() {
        require_once (APPPATH . 'libraries/SEOstats/bootstrap.php');
        try {
            $url = 'http://www.google.com/';

            // Get the Google PageRank for the given URL.
            $pagerank = \SEOstats\Services\Google::getPageRank($url);
            echo "The current Google PageRank for {$url} is {$pagerank}." . PHP_EOL;
        catch(\Exception $e) {
            echo 'Caught SEOstatsException: ' . $e->getMessage();
    public function get_alexa_page_rank() {
        require_once (APPPATH . 'libraries/SEOstats/bootstrap.php');

        //use \SEOstats\Services\Alexa as Alexa;

        try {
            $url = 'https://www.google.com/';

            // Create a new SEOstats instance.
            $seostats = new \SEOstats\SEOstats;

            // Bind the URL to the current SEOstats instance.
            if ($seostats->setUrl($url)) {

                 *  Print HTML code for the 'daily traffic trend'-graph.
                echo \SEOstats\Services\Alexa::getTrafficGraph(1);

                 *  Print HTML code for the 'daily pageviews (percent)'-graph.
                echo \SEOstats\Services\Alexa::getTrafficGraph(2);

                 *  Print HTML code for the 'daily pageviews per user'-graph.
                echo \SEOstats\Services\Alexa::getTrafficGraph(3);

                 *  Print HTML code for the 'time on site (in minutes)'-graph.
                echo \SEOstats\Services\Alexa::getTrafficGraph(4);

                 *  Print HTML code for the 'bounce rate (percent)'-graph.
                echo \SEOstats\Services\Alexa::getTrafficGraph(5);

                 *  Print HTML code for the 'search visits'-graph, using
                 *  specific graph dimensions of 320*240 px.
                echo \SEOstats\Services\Alexa::getTrafficGraph(6, false, 320, 240);
        catch(\Exception $e) {
            echo 'Caught SEOstatsException: ' . $e->getMessage();


PS:将 SEOstats 文件夹复制到 application/libraries 文件夹中

于 2014-05-30T18:48:25.060 回答