I try to use Google Spreadsheets API and Google Documents List API, butI can't understand how to add new generated form scratch spreadsheet.

I find how to add empty spreadsheet (C#):

DocumentEntry entry = new DocumentEntry();
entry.Title.Text = title;
DocumentEntry newEntry = documentsService.Insert(DocumentsListQuery.documentsBaseUri, entry);

But how to fill it by data? May be with updating cells with a batch request. But WorksheetEntry is needed for it. There is no way to get WorksheetEntry from DocumentEntry (it's only possible by worksheet searching in SpreadSheetFeed::Entries)

Is there any normal way to upload new generated spreadsheet?


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下面的代码假设 documentService 是 DocumentsService,entry 是 DocumentEntry。

var factory = (GDataRequestFactory)documentService.RequestFactory;
factory.CustomHeaders.Add("If-Match: " + entry.Etag);

var mediaUri = new Uri(entry.MediaUri.ToString());

documentService.Update(mediaUri, "your-csv-string-here", "text/csv", entry.Title.Text);
于 2013-12-19T06:04:24.853 回答