我正在尝试在 Glassfish JDBC 连接池中创建。
Resource type: javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
Datasource Classname: oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
当我尝试 ping 时,我得到下一个错误:
[2013-11-01T09:41:46.674+0400] [glassfish 4.0] [WARNING] [test.connection.pool.failed] [javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter.com.sun.enterprise.connectors.service] [tid: _ThreadID=124 _ThreadName=admin-listener(7)] [timeMillis: 1383284506674] [levelValue: 900] [[
RAR8054: Exception while creating an unpooled [test] connection for pool [ OraclePool ], Connection could not be allocated because: I / O error:: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection]]
Timestamp Nov 1, 2013 09:28:39.892
Logger javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter.com.sun.enterprise.connectors.service
Name-Value Pairs {levelValue=900, timeMillis=1383283719892}
Record Number 759
Message ID test.connection.pool.failed
Complete Message RAR8054: Exception while creating an unpooled [test] connection for pool [ ConnectionOraclePool ], Connection could not be allocated because: Ошибка ввода/вывода: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
更新。为了测试,我尝试关闭防火墙 - 没有任何变化。我创建的 JDBC 连接池中的 JDBC 资源。冲浪类似订单没有帮助
OJBC 驱动程序位于:../glassfish\domains\domain1\lib