I'm trying to generate a random from 1 - 99,999,999 However, its not ever getting that high. I believe it has something to do with the size of an int.

Here is what I'm trying

(1 + rand() % 99999999)



2 回答 2


your code will not work because value returned by rand have a maximum value RAND_MAX

int rand (void);

Generate random number Returns a pseudo-random integral number in the range between 0 and RAND_MAX.


Maximum value returned by rand This macro expands to an integral constant expression whose value is the maximum value returned by the rand function.

This value is library-dependent, but is guaranteed to be at least 32767 on any standard library implementation.

于 2013-11-01T04:17:23.197 回答

To generate a random number between min and max, and they should be long data type use:

long randamNum = rand()%(max-min + 1) + min;

(Includes max and min)

For more clearity refer Generating random integer from a range

于 2013-11-01T04:17:36.683 回答