I am looking for a framework or system that provides a good looking user-interface to manage external data, mostly REST APIs.

We have looked at various CMS'es especially Orchard, Umbraco and Composite, but they all focus a lot on their own repository. Basically I want a CMS with an external repository, so we can manage all data sources in one place. I was wondering whether there are no other alternatives. Of course we can make our own interface, but I prefer something finished.

In the ideal case, it: - Has an consistent admin interface with a menu that looks good, possibly skinnable. - Has a login system and permission system, so we can restrict the menus and functions based on roles. - Gives a list of objects (e.g. People), nicely formatted with some search, paging, filter functionals. - When modify an object, it generates a form, based on the class definition. It handles validation of the form and saving it. (Scaffolding) - It is possible to add custom pages (or razor templates) to menu items.

Before we have always created our own interfaces. But in the end, it all worked well, but just didn't feel great; too many small bugs. So far, Composite looks like the best match. Any other suggestions? Any product or framework you can recommend?


2 回答 2


您所要求的一切都可以在 Composite C1 中完成。

  • 您有一个管理界面,您可以在其中创建新用户。
  • 您有一个数据系统,您可以在管理界面中创建新实体(如果您想要的话),或者您可以扩展界面以显示您自己的数据类型(如果您在其他系统中有这些数据类型)。
  • Composites 界面在菜单上有一个广泛的安全系统,这意味着您可以根据角色和用户进行限制。您甚至可以按下按钮并说它不能被用户 x 使用。
  • 4.1 将在几周内发布,您可以在控制台中使用 razor 编写页面来构建自己的脚手架和视图。
  • 您可以将新(子)按钮附加到 Composite C1 中的每个菜单条目。

您应该能够在 Composite 中实现所有这些。问题是要遍历所有主题并给出解决方案,并且根据您对 C1 的经验,您应该有一些阅读要做。

您可以在 docs.composite.net 上找到培训和信息

我刚刚创建了一篇带有剃刀功能的博客文章来帮助您入门。 http://www.s-innovations.net/Blog/2013/11/06/Using-Razor-files-inside-the-console-with-Composite-C1-41

于 2013-11-05T11:29:56.697 回答

我推荐 Composite 是因为它的简单性和大的可扩展性。(见上面的评论)。

于 2013-11-04T18:16:56.163 回答