$search_dir = "$directory/{$row['name']}{$row['hotel_address']}";
$images = glob("$search_dir/*.jpg");
// Image selection and display:
//display first image
if (count($images) > 0) { // make sure at least one image exists
$img = $images[0]; // first image
echo "<img src='$img' height='150' width='150' /> ";
} else {
// possibly display a placeholder image?
// Image selection and display:
//display random image
if (count($images) > 0) { // make sure at least one image exists
// Get a random index in the array with rand(min, max) which is inclusive
$randomImageIndex = rand(0, count($images)-1);
$img = $images[$randomImageIndex]; // random image
echo "<img src='$img' height='150' width='150' /> ";
} else {
// possibly display a placeholder image