这是我第一次使用 C# 在 Visual Studio 上使用 Windows 窗体。我试图让我的表格有一个按钮,当您单击“计算到期金额”时,它将把计算出的内容放入“到期金额”字段中。但是,每当我说“textBox3 = aOrder.AmountDue()”时,它表示它不能将 double 转换为 System.Windows.Forms.TextBox。我如何适当地转换它?这是我的程序代码。
namespace MidTermPizzas
class pizzaOrder
public int numberOfCokes
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public int numberOfPizzas
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public double InputOrder()
const double COKE_PRICE = 1.49;
const double PIZZA_PRICE = 7.99;
double inputOrder = (numberOfCokes * COKE_PRICE) + (numberOfPizzas * PIZZA_PRICE);
return InputOrder();
public double TaxDue()
const double TAX = .073;
double taxDue = (this.InputOrder() * TAX);
return TaxDue();
public double GetAmountDue()
double getAmountDue = this.InputOrder() + this.TaxDue();
return GetAmountDue();
public double GetAmountPaid()
double getAmountPaid;
return GetAmountPaid();
public double GetChargeDue()
double getChargeDue = this.GetAmountDue() - this.GetAmountPaid();
return GetAmountPaid();
namespace MidTermPizzas
public partial class Form1 : Form
pizzaOrder aOrder = new pizzaOrder();
DailySummary aSummary = new DailySummary();
public Form1()
//click File, Exit
private void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Enjoy your pizza!");
//click View, All Orders Placed
private void allOrdersToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
AllOrdersPlaced myForm = new AllOrdersPlaced();
//click View, Summary of Orders Placed
private void summaryOfOrdersToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SummaryOfOrdersPlaced myForm2 = new SummaryOfOrdersPlaced();
//text in box to the right of "Amount Due"
private void textBox3_TextChanged_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
textBox3 = aOrder.GetAmountDue();