Wow - just looking at that title makes me realize what an obscure error this is, but hey, let's go with it. Anyone experiencing the same thing or have any suggestions on how to correct this? Visual explanation is probably best.


  • jQuery 1.9.1
  • jQuery Mobile 1.3.2
  • Desktop browser: Chrome 31.0.1650.39 beta (OSX Mavericks)
  • Mobile browser: Both Safari & Chrome on iOS 7.0.3

Super basic code:

<label for="customer_date_of_birth">Date of birth</label>
<input id="customer_date_of_birth" name="customer[date_of_birth]" size="30" type="date" />

Le Problems:

Desktop (looking good) -

enter image description here

Mobile w/ blank input (bleh) -

enter image description here

Mobile, as soon as I select a date (back to looking good) -

enter image description here

I haven't a clue how to debug this, since all of my debugging tools are on the desktop and this problem only shows up on my iPad.

Any thoughts, oh people-who-are-better-at-this-than-I ? (Thanks!)


1 回答 1



您的 type=date 的 CSS 应更改如下:

align-items: center;
display: -webkit-inline-flex; 
overflow: hidden; 
padding: 0px; 
-webkit-padding-start: 1px; 
于 2014-01-14T01:55:53.897 回答