今天是我在 GIT 的第一天。我整天都在尝试和寻找答案,但是我对 GIT 和语言的不熟悉使我很难做到。希望你们中的一个可以提供帮助。


  1. 从 GitHub 查看手机的源代码,例如“git clone https://github.com/damellis/cellphone2.git ”。

  2. 使用“git submodule init”和“git submodule update”检查手机软件使用的其他存储库。

  3. 对于 LED 矩阵变体,使用“git checkout led-matrix”检查 LED 矩阵分支。(LCD 变体的代码存储在默认的 master 分支中。)

我已经能够按照第 1 步检查源代码。第 2 步和第 3 步对我不起作用,我猜该命令比这里写的要多。

你能帮我更好地理解这个项目的“git submodule init”和“git submodule update”命令吗?


1 回答 1

  1. Checkout the other repositories used by the cellphone's software with "git submodule init" and "git submodule update".

That's presumably referring to the other GIT projects linked within libraries/. See the two Adafruit links here: https://github.com/damellis/cellphone2/tree/master

  1. For the LED matrix variant, checkout the LED matrix branch with "git checkout led-matrix". (The code for the LCD variant is stored in the default master branch.)

That's referring to the led-matrix branch of the project, seen here: https://github.com/damellis/cellphone2/tree/led-matrix

I would recommend doing some research yourself or ask your professor directly if you don't understand branches or project submodules.

于 2013-10-31T20:15:06.730 回答