我想将我在 Flash Pro 中编写的 as3 应用程序中的整数数组发送到 Arduino Uno,后者将使用它们连续定位和重新定位 5 个伺服系统。所以发送 15 个整数将定位 5 个舵机,然后重新定位它们,然后再次重新定位它们,然后循环回到第一个位置,依此类推。然后我会随时发送一个新数组替换旧数组。

所以我已经在它们之间配置好了我的 tinkerproxy(感谢 Mike Chambers 和其他人),并且我已经编写了双方,因此在与串行监视器接口时它们看起来工作正常。但我无法让他们正常交谈。

我的问题很简单......我认为......这是如何让 as3 在数组中或之后发送“换行符”或其他一些“结束”信号,以便 Arduino 草图(使用 serialEvent 和 parseInt 获取整数时它们被发送),在接收到它时,可以跳过 parseInt 并做其他事情 - 在这种情况下,进入循环并控制这些讨厌的伺服器。



   this sketch developed from arduino Tutorials ReadASCIIString + SerialEvent
   serialEvent can receive an array - 'buff' - of values from serial monitor
   loop can get those values and print some of them to prove it
   but I can't get Flash Pro (as3) to send the array: something to do with end of message character?
#include <Servo.h>

int buff[100];//an array to hold integers from serial(arbitrary larger than ever needed size)
int j; //used to increment serial integer receipt in serialEvent
int patternLength;//=# of integers delivered over serial port, if followed by E or newline

void setup()
Serial.setTimeout(2147483647);//25 days! so parseInt doesn't default to sending zeros every second
Serial.println("ready to go");//prints ok

void loop()
   for(int i=0; i<patternLength-4; i=i+5)//feed sets of 5 integers into 5 servos then repeats
    Serial.println(buff[i]);//prints 1st, 5th, 10th etc integer then repeats
    delay(1000);//so I can see it happening slowly enough
}//loops indefinitely until serialEvent interrupts to send new buff array values

void serialEvent()
     buff[j] = Serial.parseInt();
 Serial.println(buff[j]);//prints all integers sent if eg ','sent after last one

 //if (Serial.read() == '\n')//works if serial monitor is set to 'newline' on sending
 if (Serial.read() == 'E')//works if no 'newline' + sending eg 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10E

 //BUT how to send the equivalent of one of the above two 'endings' from Flash???
 //so that this part of the code executes
     patternLength = j;  
     Serial.println("go to loop");
     j=0;//reset the index so next array sent replaces this one in 'buff' 



Simple Example that connects to an Arduino (via TinkerProxy) and sends
an array of integers for it to use. That doesn't work......

adapted from FlashBlink Created by Mike Chambers:


import flash.events.Event;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.net.Socket;
//import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
//import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
import flash.utils.Endian;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;

//my example of an array of integers I want to send to the arduino
var pattern:Array = [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20];

//socket we will use to connect to TinkerProxy
var _socket:Socket;

//Address where TinkerProxy is located. Will usually be
//localhost /
var _proxyAddress:String = "";

//port TinkerProxy is listening on
var _proxyPort:uint = 5331;

function onAddedToStage():void
    removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);

    //create a Sprite to add to the stage.
    //This will be a simple button
    var s:Sprite = new Sprite();

    //draw a green square in the Sprite
    s.graphics.drawRect(0,0, 200,100);

    //Add Sprite to the display list

    //position it
    s.x = 50;
    s.y = 50;

    //listen for when the user clicks the Sprite
    s.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);

    _socket = new Socket();

    //Register for socket events

    //socket connected
    _socket.addEventListener( Event.CONNECT, onConnect );           

    //socket closed
    _socket.addEventListener( Event.CLOSE, onClose );           

    _socket.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;

    _socket.connect(_proxyAddress, _proxyPort);

//called when we connect to the proxy server
function onConnect(event:Event):void
    trace("Socket Connected");

//called when the user clicks the button on stage
function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void

    //make sure we are connected to the socket
        //if not, don't do anything
        trace("You must be connected to send a command to the Arduino.");

    var ENDOF:String = "E";

    for(var j:int = 0; j < pattern.length; j++)
        _socket.writeUTFBytes(pattern[j]); //send pattern array to Arduino
        trace(pattern[j]);//trace what I think I've just sent
        //then send something as a last character - not an integer.
        _socket.writeUTFBytes(ENDOF);//send this string value to arduino
        trace("should have just sent an E, and sends an: " + ENDOF);
        //but how do I send this E conjoined to the last integer of the pattern array
        //so that Arduino responds by jumping out of serialEvent back to the loop?

        //flush the socket. Not really necessary, but here for forward compatibility.

//called when the socket is closed
function onClose(event:Event):void
    trace("Socket Closed");


1 回答 1


您的 AS3 看起来相当到位。一个小问题,onAddedToStage()您要从您从未注册的阶段中删除事件侦听器。如果您真的希望该代码仅在将时间线添加到舞台后触发,请将第 114 行替换为以下内容:

addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage)

至于您的 Arduino 代码,我并不精通它使用的语言(某种 C 语言?),所以如果您了解更多,请随意忽略以下内容。

  • 您没有将循环封装在直通for线上2224
  • 您开始while在线封装循环30,但忘记在线关闭它34
  • 您声明j了,但直到 line44之后才初始化它的值,它将while在 line 上的循环中使用33

最后,回答你的核心问题。您已经知道换行符写为\n,因此您似乎很难从Serial.read(). 阅读文档后,我找不到任何数据类型,所以我假设您正在处理 ByteArray 或 String。假设它是一个字符串,我的第一反应是使用 String.split() 将其拆分为一个数组,但这不是 String API 可用的函数。 其他人(但是)已经编写了它,我相信它会简化问题,假设字符串和整数可以愉快地共存于这些对象类型中。

相反,由于您已经知道这些数字的大小是五重组,而不是使用while循环(行29),您可以只使用 afor如下:

#include <Servo.h>

int buff[100];
int j;
int patternLength;

void setup() {
    Serial.println("ready to go");

void loop() {
    for(int i=0; i<patternLength-4; i=i+5) {

void serialEvent() {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
        // This gaurantees we only pull the first 15 Ints into our buff array
        for (int k=0; k<15; k++)  {
            buff[j] = Serial.parseInt();

        patternLength = j;  
        Serial.println("go to loop");
        j=0;//reset the index so next array sent replaces this one in 'buff'

如果上面的内容没有为您标记,您可能需要调试您实际从 Stream 中读取的值并在 if 语句中进行测试37

Serial.println("Reading: " + Serial.read());



于 2013-10-31T21:56:33.777 回答