I work with Excel 2010 and need to compare the report column headings in the previous report to the latest report to identify changes in the report layout (there are 100+ columns and and report changes occur periodically).

Right now I paste the new report immediately below the old report with its associated data and then hide the data in the old report so that I can see just the column headings in both the old and new reports and then do a manual eyeball compare of the two rows of heading data to make sure they have not changed.

Is there an easier way to do it?

Thanks for your help.


1 回答 1


您可以使用 ARRAY FORMULA 来比较两个范围。


并在点击“enter”时按住 ctrl-shift。如果两个范围内的所有单元格都相同,它将返回“TRUE” - 否则将返回“FALSE”。(简化 - 感谢@pnuts!)


  1. 点击“条件格式”-->新建规则-->“使用公式确定要格式化的单元格”
  2. 在公式框中,键入=Sheet1!A1 <> Sheet2!A1(注意 - 如果您单击单元格以选择它们,Excel 将添加$符号。您必须删除这些符号,否则除了标题中的第一个单元格之外,这将无法正常工作)
  3. 为“不匹配”单元格选择您想要的格式(例如,格式-->填充“红色背景”)
  4. 单击各种“确定”按钮以关闭对话框

现在所有不匹配的标题都将变为红色 - 易于查看,无需仔细逐个单元格比较。

于 2013-10-31T17:42:26.277 回答