<p class="rientro"><b>Abbagliato</b> (l’), sanese, uomo goloso che consu</p>
<p class="rientro">mò il suo in crapule. Inf. XXIX, 132.</p>
<p class="rientro"><b>Abbajare</b>, per dimostrar gridando. Inf. VII, 43.</p>
<p class="rientro"><b>Abbandonare</b>, per lasciare una impresa difficile: Par. 
XVIII, 9.</p>

我有一个上述格式的“字典”,并希望将 HTML 文本转换为 Python 字典,例如 abbagliato: sanese, uomo goloso che…, abbajare: per dimostrar 等。我什至无法使用文本读取 html 文件此刻的 Python。有人可以给我一些想法如何解决这个问题,请(我想制作一本可搜索的字典,让我用意大利语阅读但丁的地狱)


1 回答 1


以下 Python 3 代码将解析一个 HTML 文件(“dict.html”)并返回一个包含单词及其定义的 dict 对象。此代码假定 HTML 文件的格式与您的示例中一样,即<p><b>Some word</b>Word definition</p>.

from html.parser import HTMLParser

dictionary = {}

# Custom html parser which will add word and definition pairs
# to the dict 'dictionary'
class html_to_dict_parser(HTMLParser):
  def __init__(self):
    # These variables will tell the parser what data it's reading at the moment
    self.in_word_label = False
    self.in_definition = False
    self.has_definition = False

  # Called everytime the parser encounters a new tag
  # e.g. <html> or <p>
  def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
    if tag == 'b':
      self.in_word_label  = True
    elif tag == 'p':
      self.in_definition  = True

  # Similar to above
  def handle_endtag(self, tag):
    if tag == 'b':
      self.in_word_label = False
    elif tag == 'p':
      self.in_definition  = False

  # Called when the parser encounters the contents of a tag
  # e.g. 'Some word' in '<p>Some word</p>
  def handle_data(self, data):
    if self.in_word_label:
      # Inside a <b> tag
      self.latest_word = data.lower()
      self.has_definition = True
    elif self.in_definition and self.has_definition:
      # Inside a <p> tag which also contained a <b> tag
      dictionary[ self.latest_word ] = data
      self.has_definition = False

# Run the parser!
parser = html_to_dict_parser()
with open('dict.html') as html_file:


使用上面的 html 创建的 dict 的示例输出:

{'abbajare': ', per dimostrar gridando. Inf. VII, 43.', 'abbandonare': ', per lasciare una impresa difficile: Par.\nXVIII, 9.', 'abbagliato': ' (l’), sanese, uomo goloso che consu'}

现在应该很容易在字典中搜索您选择的单词,例如,如果您要将命令参数传递给解释器(例如$ python3 dict_parser.py abbandonare),您可以扩展上面的程序以搜索您传递给它的单词:

import sys

for word in sys.argv[1:]:
  if word in dictionary:
    print(word, ':', dictionary[word])
    print(word, "not found in dictionary.")


HTML 解析器模块的文档:http: //docs.python.org/3/library/html.parser.html

于 2013-10-31T19:02:46.130 回答