Hi I work on a very large and complex C code base (complex not in a good way). The codebase dwarfs the linux kernel to give you an idea. I have set up emacs to do most of what I want. I get autocompletion on functions and variables but there are certain things which do not work (omni-completion).

I use cedet v2, xgtags, auto-complete, yastnippet, cscope and a few other tools all of which are installed via el-get on emacs-24. When I work on a smaller project, omni-completion in C works so I would get a list of the members of a struct when I access the object. However, in the very large "project", omni-completion does not work when accessing a struct. As I said, I get completion on functions and variables but not on structures.

My explanation is that auto-completion is using its parser which cannot handle the size and complexity of the codebase. However, gtags or etags can handle it.

Is there a way to make auto-complete look into the gtags (xgtags) database? My gtags are working very well indeed.

EDIT: I am not an admin on my system and I cannot install packages easily. At the moment, I do not have clang. Having said that, I am quite capable of compiling from source and can get many packages this way.


3 回答 3


使用 clang+automplete 也是一个选项:



于 2013-10-31T14:11:59.663 回答


于 2013-10-31T15:00:02.530 回答

我发现 cedet 真的很不起眼。我建议只使用一个工具来完成所有操作 https://github.com/Andersbakken/rtags 它会在您键入时强调错误以及使用智能完成。获取所需的 emacs 包后,只需将其添加到您的 init 文件中

(require 'rtags)
(require 'popup)
(require 'rtags-ac)
(setq rtags-completions-enabled t)
(rtags-enable-standard-keybindings c-mode-base-map)
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (setq ac-sources '(ac-source-rtags)
于 2015-07-17T21:23:36.313 回答