I want to add a custom control(Button) in current cell of Datagridview control. i have created the custom control(Button). My requirement is when i clicking any cell of the Datagridview, this control should show on that cell. here is the screen shot of this.

enter image description here

Please help me to overcome this problem. Any help appreciated.

NOTE:- This button is not a drop down button. It is just a simple button with drop down image. By clicking on this button a popup window will be open.


1 回答 1


您只需要 1 个按钮,将其设置Parent为您的DataGridView并根据当前单元格边界更新其位置。这应该在CellPainting事件处理程序中完成,如下所示:

Button button = new Button(){Width = 20, Height = 20};
int maxHeight = 20;
button.Parent = dataGridView1;//place this in your form constructor
//CellPainting event handler for both your grids
private void dataGridViews_CellPainting(object sender,
                                        DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs e) {
  DataGridView grid = sender as DataGridView;
  if (grid.CurrentCell.RowIndex == e.RowIndex &&
      grid.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex == e.ColumnIndex) {
     button.Top = e.CellBounds.Top - 2;
     button.Left = e.CellBounds.Right - button.Width;
     button.Height = Math.Min(e.CellBounds.Height, maxHeight);
//Enter event handler for both your grids
private void dataGridViews_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e){
  button.Parent = (sender as Control);


于 2013-10-31T15:37:09.600 回答