我正在编写一个程序,该程序将计算一个人在一段时间内的收入,如果他或她的薪水第一天是一便士,第二天是两便士,并且每天继续翻倍。我已经完成了所有工作,但我必须投入美元,我不知道该怎么做,浮动只会在我需要 .00 时给我 .0
# Ryan Beardall Lab 8-1 10/31/13
#program calculates the amount of money a person would earn over a period of time if his or her salary is one penny the first day, two pennies the second day and continues to double each day.
accumulatedPay = []
payPerDay = []
days = []
#User enters days worked to find out ho much money user will have
def numberDays():
global daysWorked
daysWorked = (input("Enter the days worked "))
return daysWorked
def salaryOnDay(daysWorked):
return float((2**(daysWorked-1))/100)
def calculations():
earnings = 0
for i in range (1, daysWorked + 1):
salary = salaryOnDay(i)
currRow = [0, 0, 0]
currRow[0] = i
currRow[1] = salary
earnings += salary
currRow[2] = earnings
#program prints matrix
def main():
for el in days:
print el