我是 Asp.net 的新手。我创建了一个示例应用程序。它的数据库由一个表 tUser 组成,其中包含两个字段 userName 和 password。当用户输入用户名和密码并单击提交按钮时,我的应用程序应从 tUser 检索内容并与用户输入进行交叉检查,并应采取相应的行为。我所做的是:login.cshtml
@model DEntitis.Users
ViewBag.Title = "Login";
int i = 0;
@Html.TextBoxFor(user => user.UserName)
<br /><!no need to use the same name>
@Html.TextBoxFor(user => user.Password)
<br />
<Button type="submit">Login</Button>
<a href="https://www.mail.google.com">If not a member Register</a>
<!--to store database value!-->
@for (i = 0; i < ((Model ?? new DEntitis.Users()).UserRoles ?? new List<DEntitis.UserRoles>()).ToList().Count; i++)
@Html.HiddenFor(user => user.UserRoles.ToList()[i].UserRoleID)
@Html.HiddenFor(user => user.UserRoles.ToList()[i].UserID)
@Html.HiddenFor(user => user.UserRoles.ToList()[i].RoleID)
我的控制器动作是这样的: HomeController.cs
public ActionResult Edit(int id = 12)
if (id == 0)
return HttpNotFound();
Users user = service.GetUserbyId(id);
return View(user);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;