我试图弄清楚为什么 Codeigniter 在我的数据库中插入 2 次相同的行。我使用 PDO 作为 mySQL 的接口。我正在调试它,我确信下面的函数没有被执行两次。它发生在特定情况下,如果两个 foreache 没有运行,因为数组为空,但如果其中一个运行,则不会发生错误。


public function save_all() //save all information with the launched flag FALSE

        $email = $_SESSION["email"];
        $sql = "INSERT INTO $tbl_name_contest (user_id, contest_title, contest_overview, contest_description,
                contest_category, contest_holder, contest_prize, contest_stage, contest_duration, contest_proj_duration,
                contest_level, contest_finalist, contest_winner, contest_create, contest_launched, contest_edit,
                contest_edit_id, contest_status, contest_delete)
                VALUES (0, '$this->title', '$this->overview', '$this->description', '$this->category',
                (SELECT customer_id FROM $tbl_name_customer WHERE user_id = 
                (SELECT user_id FROM $tbl_name_user WHERE user_email='$email')), '$this->prize', 0, '$this->contest_period',
                '$this->project_period', -1, -1, -1, NULL, DEFAULT, NULL, -1, -1, DEFAULT); ";

        foreach ($this->addon as $value)
            $sql = $sql . "INSERT INTO $tbl_rel_contest_addon (add_contest_id, add_addon_id) 
                            VALUES ((SELECT contest_id FROM $tbl_name_contest WHERE contest_title = '$this->title'
                            AND contest_overview = '$this->overview' AND contest_prize = '$this->prize'),
                            (SELECT addon_id FROM $tbl_name_addon WHERE addon_name = '$value')); ";

        foreach ($this->skills as $value)
            $sql = $sql . "INSERT INTO $tbl_rel_contest_skill (required_contest_id, required_skill_id) 
                            VALUES ((SELECT contest_id FROM $tbl_name_contest WHERE contest_title = '$this->title'
                            AND contest_overview = '$this->overview' AND contest_prize = '$this->prize'),
                            (SELECT skill_id FROM $tbl_name_skill WHERE skill_name = '$value')); ";
        echo $sql;
        return $this->db->query($sql);
    catch(Exception $e)
        echo $e->getMessage();
    return 0;

这里我有一个 mySQL 的日志,前两个 SELECTS 由“$this->add_new_skills();”调用 在函数 save_all() 的开头。这些 SELECT 也应该只是一个。这个命令 SELECT SELECT, INSERT INSERT 证明了函数 save_all() 没有被调用两次,如果它被调用了两次,那么这个命令就是 SELECT INSERT SELECT INSERT。

138 Connect root@localhost on repsero
138 Query SELECT skill_name FROM skill WHERE skill_status=2
138 Query SELECT skill_name FROM skill WHERE skill_status=2
138 Quit
139 Connect root@localhost on repsero
139 Quit
140 Connect root@localhost on repsero
140 Query INSERT INTO contest (user_id, contest_title, contest_overview, contest_description, contest_category, contest_holder, contest_prize, contest_stage, contest_duration, contest_proj_duration, contest_level, contest_finalist, contest_winner, contest_create, contest_launched, contest_edit, contest_edit_id, contest_status, contest_delete) VALUES (0, 'Contest Name', 'Overview of the contest Overview of the contest Overview of the contest Overview of the contest Overview of the contest Overview of the contest ', 'Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description ', 'SEO', (SELECT customer_id FROM customer WHERE user_id = (SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_email='customer@repsero.com')), '300', 0, '5','1', -1, -1, -1, NULL, DEFAULT, NULL, -1, -1, DEFAULT) 
140 Query INSERT INTO contest (user_id, contest_title, contest_overview, contest_description, contest_category, contest_holder, contest_prize, contest_stage, contest_duration, contest_proj_duration, contest_level, contest_finalist, contest_winner, contest_create, contest_launched, contest_edit, contest_edit_id, contest_status, contest_delete) VALUES (0, 'Contest Name', 'Overview of the contest Overview of the contest Overview of the contest Overview of the contest Overview of the contest Overview of the contest ', 'Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description ', 'SEO',(SELECT customer_id FROM customer WHERE user_id = (SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_email='customer@repsero.com')), '300', 0, '5', '1', -1, -1, -1, NULL, DEFAULT, NULL, -1, -1, DEFAULT)
140 Quit

1 回答 1


好吧,我发现codeigniter系统内部CI_DB_pdo_driver中的_execute()函数没有正常工作,可能是php版本的问题。无论如何,我将 CodeIgniter 的代码从:

    function _execute($sql)
    $sql = $this->_prep_query($sql);
    $result_id = $this->conn_id->prepare($sql);

    if (is_object($result_id))
        if (is_numeric(stripos($sql, 'SELECT')))
            $this->affect_rows = count($result_id->fetchAll());
            $this->affect_rows = $result_id->rowCount();
        $this->affect_rows = 0;

    return $result_id;


    function _execute($sql)
    $sql = $this->_prep_query($sql);
    $result_id = $this->conn_id->prepare($sql);

    if (is_object($result_id))
        if (preg_match('/^\s*"?(SELECT)\s+/i', $sql))
            $this->affect_rows = count($result_id->fetchAll());
            $this->affect_rows = $result_id->rowCount();
        $this->affect_rows = 0;

    return $result_id;

测试 $sql 内部是否包含“SELECT”的部分不起作用,因此当我尝试插入时,“$result_id->execute()”被调用了两次。

于 2013-11-01T16:14:13.827 回答