Eclipse OCL 项目提供独立使用(只是 Eclipse 中的一个 java 程序),并且有一些关于如何做到这一点的文档和示例。
一些 Jave API 使用示例,取自帮助,展示了如何创建和评估不变量和查询:
OCL ocl = OCL.newInstance(new PivotEnvironmentFactory());
OCLHelper helper = ocl.createOCLHelper(EXTLibraryPackage.Literals.LIBRARY);
ExpressionInOCL invariant = helper.createInvariant(
"books->forAll(b1, b2 | b1 <> b2 implies b1.title <> b2.title)");
ExpressionInOCL query = helper.createQuery(
"books->collect(b : Book | b.category)->asSet()");
// create a Query to evaluate our query expression
Query queryEval = ocl.createQuery(query);
// create another to check our constraint
Query constraintEval = ocl.createQuery(invariant);
List<Library> libraries = getLibraries(); // hypothetical source of libraries
// only print the set of book categories for valid libraries
for (Library next : libraries) {
if (constraintEval.check(next)) {
// the OCL result type of our query expression is Set(BookCategory)
Set<BookCategory> categories = (Set<BookCategory>) queryEval.evaluate(next);
System.out.printf("%s: %s%n", next.getName(), categories);