
我正在使用有根的 Android 智能手机 4.1.2。

  • 跟踪应用程序行为的最佳方法是什么?

我已经在 Android 上交叉编译了strace命令来跟踪系统调用,但似乎除了文件操作之外我无法跟踪复杂的操作。

  • 有没有办法跟踪对象的创建?例如,如果一个应用程序想要使用相机,它必须创建一个相机对象。

  • 我应该搜索痕迹的合适的 Android 架构杠杆是什么?(内核、应用程序框架、库……)



2 回答 2


Each app have its own permissions, so you will not expect an app to use camera if it doesn't have a permission to use the camera.

You can always see how many apps are active right now. What apps are using internet? You can put sniffer and see what they are sending, may be they send some sensitive user data?

You can scan the log cat for different system operations that got triggered once an app is fired.

And finally you can check the memory usage of the device to see suspicious behaviors there.

There are probably more more things you can do, but this is what came to my mind right now.

于 2013-10-31T12:31:18.440 回答

你的出发点是从一个“普通”应用程序中废弃 logcat,你无法访问其他应用程序的进程,这是你会被它所吸引的 android 安全模型。

于 2013-10-31T12:23:23.120 回答