I have a pretty standard Magento installation (Magento ver. and I have enabled PayPal Express settings (Including API username. password & Signature all filled in). I have set the default theme to blank so that it doesn't use any of my template files but the button is not showing on any pages (product, basket or checkout - These options are set to show in the admin).

So even with the default Magento theme non of the paypal buttons show up. Anyone seen this before? Can anyone shed any light on this?


edit p.s. Mage_Paypal & Mage_PaypalUk both enabled in Advanced.


1 回答 1


似乎您已经在另一个配置范围内启用了 paypal ..不在默认配置范围内,或者您可能在当前配置范围内禁用了 paypal exp。即使您在默认配置范围中启用,它也会覆盖默认配置范围。确保这一点..

只需转到您的数据库。打开core_config_data 表格可以一页查看所有数据。在这里你可以看到你所有的贝宝配置。如果您在范围字段中看到任何带有网站的贝宝配置或与默认值不同的内容,那么您已经为您当前的配置范围配置了贝宝。

更新 :

考虑您当前的配置范围是website。在您的core_config_data表中将值设置为“ 1 ”,payment/paypal_express/active仅用于其他配置范围(网站)而不是默认值。看看下面的图片。然后再次检查..现在应该可以工作了..!在此处输入图像描述

于 2013-10-31T13:25:18.227 回答