我有 2 个关于 Google Analytics 的问题:


ga('send', 'event', 'myCategory', 'myAction', 'myLabel + (generated value)');

此事件在发送后立即显示在 Real-Time->Events 选项卡中,但在我的自定义报告中包含:

Dimensions: 'Event Category', 'Event Action'
Metrics: 'Total Events'
Filters: Include 'Event Category' exact 'myCategory'

什么都没有显示。实时和报告之间是否存在一些滞后?(我正在等待 30 分钟,但报告中没有显示任何内容)。

2)。对于上述自定义报告,如何添加“事件标签”?当我导出为 PDF 时,还要为每个事件打印该值。

问候, 塔玛什


1 回答 1


based on your main problem, showing event category, action, & label in a one report. Unfortunately, Google analytics only support up to two dimensions at a time. Hence, this report you have created (Flat table type) can only indicate two dimensions at a time.

About the report filter, to me you have filtered data based on the Event Category . Try to include Unique Events and Total Events both as metrics.

My Suggestion :

Dimensions: 'Event Action', 'Event Label'

Metrics: 'Unique Events', 'Total Events'

Filters: Include 'Event Category' exact 'myCategory'

If this method is not convening , use “Explorer” type and make it to drill down by the Event Category and in the second stage use “secondary dimension “ to get the output.

于 2013-11-13T04:52:46.307 回答