How can I convert callable (anonymous function) into a string for eval?

I'm trying to write unit tests in phpunit that use runkit to override methods. And in particular, runkit_method_redefine() requires a string parameter that will be eval()-called later.

I want to have syntax highlighting of my test code, so I don't want to write code inside of a string, so I want to do something like

   return 1;

that would output

"return 1;"

How can this be done easily (for example without doing fopen of the source file, finding a source line, parsing etc.)?


2 回答 2


NOTE: I do not like this solution and I would not recommend it to anyone for anything, but it does solve the problem set out in the question.

class CallableStringifier
    private static $callables = array();

    public static function stringify($callable)
        $id = count(self::$callables);
        self::$callables[$id] = $callable;
        return 'return ' . __CLASS__ . "::call($id, func_get_args());";

    public static function call($id, $args)
        return call_user_func_array(self::$callables[$id], $args);

This will work for your specific use case (which is essentially create_function()). It will not work if you just eval() it, because it relies on being inside a function context.


$func = create_function('$arg1', CallableStringifier::stringify(function($arg1) {
    return $arg1;

echo $func(1); // outputs 1

See it working

于 2013-10-31T11:41:26.887 回答


 * Converts method code to string by reading source code file
 * Function brackets {} syntax needs to start and end separately from function body
 * @param Callable $callable method to deevaluate
 * @return string
public function callableToString($callable) {
    $refFunc = new ReflectionFunction($callable);
    $startLine = $refFunc->getStartLine();
    $endLine   = $refFunc->getEndLine();

    $f      = fopen($refFunc->getFileName(), 'r');
    $lineNo = 0;

    $methodBody = '';
    while($line = fgets($f)) {
        if($lineNo > $startLine) {
            $methodBody .= $line;
        if($lineNo == $endLine - 1) {

    return $methodBody;
于 2013-10-31T11:21:58.003 回答