var current_index = 0 // Our current index and total_images is the array variable containing images path
function Next() // Call to go to the next image
// If we're at the last index, go to zero, else go to the next index
current_index = (current_index === (total_images.length - 1) ? 0 : current_index + 1);
UpdateImage(); // Call update
function Previous() // Call to go to the previous image
// If we're at the first index (0), go to the last, otherwise go to the previous index
current_index = (current_index === 0 ? (total_images.length - 1) : current_index - 1);
UpdateImage(); // Call update
function UpdateImage() // Call to update the image element
document.getElementById('imgFull').src = total_images[current_index]; // Self explaining
}function Play()
var runSlideShow = setInterval(Next, 3000);
function Stop()