我对 bash 脚本还很陌生,但我真的想尽可能多地学习。我写了一个脚本,但有几个不同的问题。1. 如果用户回答“y”再次运行脚本,我希望脚本继续运行。2. 我还希望脚本输出一个文件,但将文件名增加 1。这是我正在使用的脚本:
#Whois commands
echo "Whois Scan Starting"
echo ""
echo "Please enter a domain name for a Whois lookup"
read dn
whois "$dn" > /root/Desktop/$client/Whois/whois.txt
read -rsp $'All done. Press enter to continue...\n'
read -p "Would you like to do another Whois lookup? [yn]" answer
if [[ $answer = y ]] ; then
#run the command
echo "Please enter a domain name for a Whois lookup"
read dn
whois "$dn" > /root/Desktop/$client/Whois/whois2.txt
read -rsp $'All done. Press enter to continue...\n'