我正在使用 Dynamic Drive 的 Cross Browser Marquee II 滚动脚本在这里找到。我有一些帮助来改变脚本,其中内容在页面加载时会有一个随机的 StartIndex 并且随机部分工作得很好;论坛主题在这里。我现在遇到的问题是更改后的脚本没有在 MouseOver 函数上产生暂停。我在这里做了一个 JSFiddle并尝试了我能想到的一切来修复它,但我被卡住了。JavaScript如下:
function scrollmarquee() {
if (parseInt(cross_marquee.style.top) > (actualheight * (-1) + 8)) {
cross_marquee.style.top = parseInt(cross_marquee.style.top) - copyspeed + "px";
} else {
cross_marquee.style.top = parseInt(marqueeheight) + 8 + "px";
function marqueescroll(o) {
o.srt += o.ss;
if ((o.ss < 0 && o.srt > o.h) || (o.ss > 0 && o.srt < o.ph)) {
o.s.style.top = o.srt + 'px';
} else {
o.srt = o.ss < 0 ? o.ph : o.h;
o.s.style.top = o.srt + 'px';
o.to = setTimeout(function () {
}, 60);
function marquee(o) {
var id = o.ID,
ss = o.Speed,
i = o.StartIndex,
srt = o.AutoDelay,
p = document.getElementById(id),
s = p ? p.getElementsByTagName('DIV')[0] : null,
ary = [],
z0 = 0;
if (s) {
var clds = s.childNodes,
o = marquee[id] = {
id: id,
p: p,
h: -s.offsetHeight,
ph: p.offsetHeight,
s: s,
ss: typeof (ss) == 'number' && ss != 0 ? ss : -2,
srt: 0
for (; z0 < clds.length; z0++) {
if (clds[z0].nodeType == 1) {
ary[i] ? o.srt = -ary[i].offsetTop : null;
o.s.style.position = 'absolute';
o.s.style.top = o.srt + 'px';
typeof (srt) == 'number' && srt > 1 ? marqueeAuto(id, srt) : null;
function marqueeAuto(id, ms) {
var o = marquee[id];
o ? o.to = setTimeout(function () {
}, ms || 200) : null;
function marqueePause(id) {
var o = marquee[id];
o ? clearTimeout(o.to) : null;
function marqueeInit() {
ID: 'marqueecontainer', // the unique ID name of the parent DIV.(string)
AutoDelay: 2000, //(optional) the delay before starting scroll in milli seconds. (number, default = no auto scroll)
Speed: -1, //(optional) the scroll speed, < 0 = up. > 0 = down. (number, default = -2)
StartIndex: Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) //(optional) the index number of the element to start. (number, default = 0)
if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", marqueeInit, false);
else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", marqueeInit);
else if (document.getElementById);
window.onload = marqueeInit;